miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2021


We are ending the school year and in Social Science we are learning History to be precise we are learning about the things than happened here on the Iberian Peninsula.

We all know that we were Celtiberians but apart from that we have met the different people that came to the peninsula like the Greeks, the Phoenicians and the Carthaginians

In the following video you can remember the differences between all the people living here thousands of years ago.

As the Celts were very good metal workers and warriors, many other people came to look for metals but some came to trade and they decided to stay and form some colonies. The next video explains very well who those people were and where they came from.

The last of these people to come were the Romans but they came to stay and we began to be part of the Roman Empire. The following video explains very nicely how this happened. The Roman Conquest of Hispania

And finally, to understand this huge empire, the Roman Empire, I invite you to watch the following video about them.

I hope all these videos help you understand and learn our Social Science last lesson!!!

martes, 25 de mayo de 2021


El viernes 21 tuvimos una actividad extraescolar que resultó chulísima. ¡Nos comunicamos a través de un telégrafo!

Gracias a la ayuda de Elena, la madre de Irati, pudimos contar con un telégrafo casero para mandarnos mensajes en código Morse. Bueno, en realidad eran 6 telégrafos, uno que enviaba y otro que recibía en cada clase.

Al principio tuvimos un poco de follón con los cables y las conexiones. Por cierto que los cables nos los proporcionó Abraham, el padre de Jimena. 

Gracias al pequeño lío pudimos poner en práctica el Método Científico: prueba, ensayo, error y observar, sobre todo observar. Finalmente, todos pudimos mandar nuestro mensaje y recibir el mensaje de nuestra clase vecina.

4º A le envió a 4º B el siguiente mensaje: "Nos vemos en quinto"

4º B le envió a 4º C el siguiente: "A, B y C nos vemos otra vez!

4º C le dijo a 4º A "Os echamos de menos"

Aquí tenéis algunas fotos para que recordéis esa experiencia.


domingo, 16 de mayo de 2021


 No queremos dejar de compartir con vosotros las fotos y vídeos de San Isidro

Pasamos un bonito día con los juegos populares y realizando un marca páginas con el oso y el madroño pero echamos de menos a las familias.

 ¡Esperemos que el curso próximo podamos vernos todos en las celebraciones!



This week we are all going to send a message from our class to our neighbouring class with the help of Elena, Irati's mum. Thank you Elena!!!

The machine we are going to use is the telegraph. Here you have some information to learn more about this great invention of communication.

The telegraph is a device for communicating over a distance. It uses electricity to send coded messages through wires. In the middle of the 1800s the telegraph was the fastest way to communicate over long distances.

An  American artist and inventor named Samuel F.B. Morse created Morse Code in the 1830s. Before his invention, an important message could take weeks to reach its destination. Morse Code and the telegraph allowed people to receive information sent from far away in just minutes. Newspapers, railroads, and businesses used the code and the telegraph to send news quickly from one city to another.

Morse Code uses dots, dashes, and spaces to represent letters, punctuation, and numbers. The symbols are arranged to spell out a message. A telegraph converts the symbols into electrical signals and sends them across a wire to their destination. The signals are then converted back into the message by the telegraph that receives them.

Here you have two videos. The first one explains the invention of the Morse Code and the second one is a song to learn easy the Morse alphabet.