domingo, 19 de febrero de 2023


 ¡Hola a todos!

Esta semana comienza la celebración de Carnaval y desde Infantil nos han invitado a participar en sus consignas para ir calentando motores. 

Si os apetece participar en el siguiente enlace tenéis las consignas para este año.

¡¡¡Feliz Carnaval!!!

Consignas Carnaval 2023

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2023


  In Social Science we are also learning about rocks.

Before talking about rocks I'd like you to review something you learnt in 2nd grade: THE LAYERS OF THE EARTH.

Some of these layers are closely related to rocks: the crust and the mantle

Here you have a video by Dr Binocs  that has become a friend of ours in the class.

We all know that there are different types of rocks
In the next video, you will understand the CLASSIFICATION OF ROCKS.
 Hope you enjoy it!!!


 In Natural Science we are learning about MATTER.

We already know that matter is everything around us, that is, everything around us is made of matter.

Matter has some properties that define it: volume, mass and density.

We can measure volume (㎤), mass (g) and density (g/㎤).

 Matter can be in any of the three states we know: solid, liquid or gas.

Watch these videos and find out more!!!

In this last video you can sing and have fun with the Measuring Matter Song


  In Social Science we are learning many things about minerals and rocks. 

I have chosen several videos I know you are going to enjoy.

In the following two videos you are going to learn and understand the definition of mineral.

In the next video, you can visit the Canadian Museum of Nature and appreciate some really marvellous minerals.

Diamonds are the hardest minerals on Earth. So here you have a special video that shows you their characteristics and properties.

In this last video you can learn about the different uses of rocks and minerals.