Here you can watch the video of the Christmas carol we'll sing and dance on the 22nd of December
It's time to practise at home too!!!
Here you can watch the video of the Christmas carol we'll sing and dance on the 22nd of December
It's time to practise at home too!!!
In connection with the life process of interaction we have reviewed our 5 senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch). We studied them thoroughly last year, but here you have an interesting video about the organs of sight: our eyes.I hope you find it interesting.
Continuing with the life process of nutrition, this week we learnt about the circulatory system, a system that transports nutrients and oxygen around our body.
Here you have the two videos so that you can improve your knowledge.
Next, we are going to learn about the respiratory system.
The respiratory system is another of the systems in connection with the life process of nutrition.
The respiratory system gets oxygen from the air and expels carbon dioxide. All our organs and cells need energy to provide energy to our body.
Here you have some videos to watch and learn more about the respiratory system.
In Social Science we are learning about the weather and climate.
The weather is so important that everyday we talk about it because the weather changes constantly. Now we know that it depends on four elements: temperature, wind, humidity and precipitation.
Climate is the average weather in an area over a long period of time.
I have chosen some videos for you to watch and learn more about the differences between them.
Este año os invitamos a degustar un suculento a la par que escalofriante menú en nuestro restaurante terrorífico "El Espárrago Podrido"
In connection with the three vital processes of living things, we are learning about the different systems that are related to nutrition in the human body .
The first one we are investigating is the digestive system and, of course, digestion.
Here you have two videos with extra information to help you learn more.
In Natural Science, we learned more things about the nutrition and respiration of plants.
Plants make their own food, they are PRODUCERS. In contrast, animals and fungi are CONSUMERS, they eat other living things.
Plants not only make their own food, but they also produce oxygen that send out to the atmosphere. This process is called PHOTOSYNTHESIS. And we know that photosynthesis is vital for life on Earth.
Here you have a video to better understand this process.
We already know that nutrition is a vital function of all living things.
According to their nutrition animals can be divided into three groups: herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.
In this video you can learn things about these three types of animals.
Enjoy and learn!
In Natural Science we continue learning new things about living things and we learned about the Animal Kingdom.
The Animal Kingdom is divided into two main groups: Invertebrates and Vertebrates.
Learn more about this classification with this video.
We began with Invertebrates and here you have the two videos that we have seen at school.
The first one is about earthworms, those invertebrates that are so beneficial for the soil. The second one is a general one about invertebrates.
But we have also reviewed Vertebrates and their classification. You can watch this video about them
Astronomy is that part of science that studies outer space focusing on stars, planets, comets, galaxies and so on.
We know that people started to study Astronomy as far back as in Ancient Mesopotamia. Civilisations such as Ancient Greeks, Romans or the Mayans also studied Astronomy. However all of these scientists had to observe space just with their eyes.
Aristotle, an ancient Greek astronomer, calculated that the Earth was not flat but a sphere. He observed that the Earth's shadow on the Moon was curved and that when a ship appeared on the horizon, we could see the top before the rest of the ship.
Copernicus was an astronomer that lived in the early 1500s. He came up with the idea that the Sun was the centre of the universe. This was a complete different believe from the idea that the Earth was the centre of the universe.
With the invention of the telescope in the early 1600s, scientists were able to see much further objects and were able also to have a better view of the Moon and the planets.
Galileo Galilei began to study Copernicus' work and felt that his observations of the planets were correct and that the Sun was the centre. This believe was really controversial at that time. Galileo heard of the invention of the telescope in Holland and he decided to build his own telescope. Soon Galileo's version of the telescope was used in all Europe.
Galileo made many discoveries using his telescope: the four large moons around Jupiter and the phases of the planet Venus. He also discovered sunspots and that the Moon was covered with craters. As Galileo studied the planets and the Sun he became convinced that the Earth and the other planets orbited the Sun. However the powerful Catholic Church considered his ideas heresy. At first, they sentenced him to life prison but later on they allowed him to live in his house under house arrest.
We have learned that living things carry out three vital functions: nutrition, interaction and reproduction.
Here you have a video that may help you learn a bit more about these life processes or vital functions. Enjoy, it's real life!!!
In Social Science we are learning about our planet, the Earth.
We learnt about the two movements, rotation and revolution, and what they cause.
Here you have the some videos that you can watch as many times as you like and learn more easily.
Queridas familias,
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The last period of Ancient History is Ancient Rome or the Roman Empire.
At those times Rome was a very powerful civilisation that ruled over much of Europe, Africa and part of Asia for nearly 1,000 years.
They conquered many lands and we still have many things from them. The language we speak, Spanish, some laws, many buildings and the roads we use today are just a few of them.
Here you have a video where you can watch and learn more about the Romans.
El viernes 13 de mayo celebramos en el colegio san Isidro 2022.
Fue un día muy especial en el que disfrutamos con los juegos populares que teníamos preparados: el pañuelo, la comba, la sillita de la reina, los bolos y la zapatilla por detrás.
También comimos unos deliciosos barquillos y cómo no bailamos un chotis muy rockero.
Aquí os dejo unas fotos para que tengáis un recuerdo de ese día.
The next great civilisation after the Egyptians was ANCIENT GREECE.
We have still many things from them like democracy, the Olympic Games, the theatre, philosophy, the yo-yo and many more...
Here you have some videos. The first ones are about their culture and way of living and the last one is about Greek Mythology.
Watch them and enjoy!
The next period after Prehistory is Ancient History. It is already history because we have written documents.
Ancient Egypt was the first great civilisation of the Mediterranean sea.
We still have many things from them like the irrigation systems for crops.
To review and learn more here you have some videos about this mysterious civilisation.
Hope you enjoy them!
We read the story of The Three Little Pigs and we learned many things.
We compared different versions, we learned some new vocabulary and we wrote ourselves a new version!!!
Here you can see two versions of the story. In the second video you can also read the story once more.
Hope you like it!
In Natural Science we also learned about PURE SUBSTANCES (only one component) and MIXTURES (two or more substances together).
There are two kinds of mixtures:
HOMOGENEOUS MIXTURES: We can't see the substances separately. Example: a lemonade.
HETEROGENEOUS MIXTURES: We can see the substances separately. Example: a salad.
Here you have a short video that explains all these in a very simple way. Please, watch it to learn more.
La semana justo antes de las vacaciones de Semana Santa celebramos nuestra
Participamos en tres actividades:
1. Charla con Paqui sobre el desayuno saludable.
2. Gymkana con Maribel donde buscamos huesos y músculos del cuerpo humano
3. Triatlón Solidario en colaboración con Save the Children
Aquí os dejo un enlace con las fotos de toda la semana para que tengáis un recuerdo...
Prehistory is the period before history, the very beginning of human beings.
We learned that Prehistory is divided into three periods:
Palaeolithic, Neolithic and the Metal Age.
Each period has its own characteristics but you better watch these videos to review all we have learned and even to learn more.
We already know that matter is everything around us including ourselves.
Matter can be in three different states: solid, liquid and gas.
But it can also change from one state to another: solidification or freezing, melting, evaporation, and condensation.
In the following videos you can review all this content.
Last Thursday, 17th March, was Saint Patrick's Day.
We had the opportunity to listen to our teachers playing Irish music and danced with them.
Thank you Patricia, Javi and Carlos!
Here you have some photos of the celebration.
Today we participated in a play about the story titled Handa's Surprise.
We all had a really good time with Tess!!!
Here you have the video in case you want to remember the story.
In Social Science we are learning about our country, Spain.
We learned about Spain's borders. We also studied political Spain, with its 17 autonomous communities and its 2 autonomous cities.
Here you have a video where you can learn singing.
In the following link you can practice all the concepts we are learning to prepare for your test.
El jueves 24 celebramos nuestro carnaval en Escuelas Bosque, un carnaval con mucho arte, mucha diversión y, por fin, todos juntos.
Fue un día entrañable y divertido donde el arte de todo los que formamos Escuelas Bosque brilló con luz propia.
In Natural Science we learned about these two systems:
* digestive system
* excretory system
In these videos you can practice English but you can also remember and learn more about them.
Hope you enjoy them!
Sé que algunos estáis teniendo problemas para acceder a los libros digitales de inglés.
Me han proporcionado el siguiente enlace para que podáis acceder.
Espero que os sea de utilidad.
¡¡¡Este viernes 18 de febrero comenzamos la SEMANA DE CARNAVAL!!!
Os invitamos a seguir estas consignas para pasar una semana de arte y alegría.
We already know that the CIRCULATORY SYSTEM is like a transport system whose engine is our heart.
Here you have three simple videos about the circulatory system where you can learn more things and practise some English.
Hope you like them!
Learning the political map of Europe is easy if you practice.
Remember that we are learning only a few of them, the ones that come up in our book. If you want to learn more here you have a video with all the countries, their capitals and their flags.
Watch it before you practice with the interactive map that comes next.
In Social Science we are learning about our continent: EUROPE
We began by learning about Europe's relief.
Here you have two videos to review mountain ranges, rivers, seas and oceans in Europe.
In Natural Science we are learning about the five senses and the nervous system that work together with the locomotor system in the life process of INTERACTION.
Every living thing has three vital functions: INTERACTION, NUTRITION AND REPRODUCTION.
Here you have an interesting video about those three vital functions.
Esta semana comenzamos con los ejercicios de SPELLING que nos ayudarán a escribir correctamente en inglés.
Casa semana tendremos unas 6 u 8 palabras relacionadas con el temario de inglés y/o ciencias.
LUNES, las escribimos en orden alfabético, de la A a la Z y de la Z a la A.
MARTES, las escribimos formando una escalera.
MIÉRCOLES, escribimos una frase con cada una de las primeras palabras según el orden alfabético.
JUEVES, escribimos frases con las palabras restantes del orden alfabético.
VIERNES, realizamos un spelling test.
SPELLING WORDS: winter, spring, summer, autumn, season
From A to Z: autumn, season, spring, summer, winter.
From Z to A: winter, summer, spring, season, autumn
a s s s w
au se sp su wi
aut sea spr sum win
autu seas spri summ wint
autum seaso sprin summe winte
autumn season spring summer winter
Autumn is my favourite season because the trees look beatiful.
There are four seasons in a year.
In spring time it is sometimes very hot.
In summer time we don't go to school because there are no classes.
Last winter it was so cold that it snowed for a long time.
Aquí os dejo la tabla que vuestros hijos llevarán en el cuaderno de spelling
Write the words in alphabetical order (from A to Z and from Z to A) |
Book, chair, girl, head Head, girl, chair, book |
Write the words forming a staircase |
Write a sentence with each of the first words |
My favourite book is about
animals. In our classroom the chairs
are green |
Write a sentence with each of the remaining words |
That girl is my best
friend. Elephants have got a big head. |
Here you have some of the photos we took in our celebration of Christmas 2021!