Hoy en Educación en Valores vamos a ver y leer una corta historia que nos enseña a valorar a todas las personas sin importar las diferencias porque todos y cada uno de nosotros somos especiales, únicos y valiosos.
Es cierto que todos tenemos defectos, de eso no se salva nadie. Sin embargo, lo importante no son los defectos sino las cualidades porque todos tenemos cualidades y por lo tanto todos somos necesarios y tenemos un papel importante en la vida. Esto es lo que debemos descubrir y valorar en nosotros mismos y en los demás.
Es importante que descubramos qué cualidad tengo que puede ayudar a los demás. Así pues tras ver y leer esta fábula me gustaría que pensarais en esa cualidad o cualidades que valoráis en vosotros mismos. Si queréis escribirla o hacer un dibujo, perfecto y luego me lo mandáis.
How are you today? I hope you are all feeling well in this beautiful spring morning.
Today is Wednesday the 27th of May and it's story time. This time we are going to listen and read at the same time the story in our Student's Book: Aniz, the shepherd boy pages 90 - 91. Remember you have the story in your Activity Book CD, track 27 and 28.
Once you have read and listened to the story you can do the activities in the Activity Book pages 90 - 91. In exercise 2 you have to cross out the incorrect information in the sentences but exercise 3 asks you to write the sentences again with the correct information. Don't forget!!!
And as you like watching videos and singing I leave you here two videos with a song by The Beatles. The song is Yellow Submarine.
In the first video you can see the trailer of the film with this song and in the second one is the lyrics of the song so that you can sing it if you feel like it.
Today Irati wants to share with us a recipe to make dinosaur footprint cookies. She already baked them and they look delicious as you can see in these photos:
And here you have the recipe if you feel like cooking them yourselves...
Hoy en Valores vamos a hablar de la importancia del esfuerzo.
Todos sabemos que el éxito no viene de la noche a la mañana, para tener éxito en la vida el esfuerzo es esencial.
Cuando sabemos lo que realmente queremos es importante ir a por ello y continuar esforzándonos día a día, incluso cuando las cosas parecen que no van a salir bien. Si seguimos esforzándonos al final lo conseguiremos.
Ya sabéis lo que siempre os he dicho sobre aprender a andar. Cuando nos caemos hay que levantarse de nuevo si no lo hubiéramos hecho de pequeñitos nunca hubiéramos aprendido a andar.
Hoy os dejo un bonito corto de animación relacionado con este tema. ¡Espero que os guste!
Como siempre espero vuestros dibujos y escritos sobre la importancia del esfuerzo.
Today we are going to learn some facts about the last period of History: MODERN AGE OR CONTEMPORARY AGE.
Contemporary Age began with the Industrial Revolution at the end of the 18th century and it lasts up to nowadays, beginning of the 21st century.
We already know that the Industrial Revolution, with the invention of the steam engine, caused many changes in society. People began to move from rural areas to big cities in order to work in factories. Cities began to grow but there were big differences in society. There were rich people whose children had the opportunity to go to school and poor people whose children didn't go to school but worked in factories.
This Revolution began in Great Britain but it extended all over the world. The products that we need began to be produced in factories using machines and not in small shops where products were handmade.
There was also a revolution in new technologies with the invention of the telegraph and a revolution in transportation with steam trains and boats.
Since those days there have been many changes. Everybody began to live in better conditions. All the children can now go to school and there are hospitals for everybody.
These are some of the many inventions: the radio, the television, the cinema, the car, the aeroplane, even the rockets to go to outer space and, of course, the invention of the Internet. With all this inventions, entertainment (entretenimiento) also changed.
Here you have a video about the Industrial Revolution that changed everything in society.
In your Social Science book you canread some more information at pages 94 - 95 and do exercise 4 at page 95.
Next lesson we will finish our timeline by writing the most important information of this period.
I hope that you enjoyed learning History from the beginning of times until today.
Este mes de mayo en el colegio trabajamos la emoción del amor.
Son tantas las cosas que se pueden decir del amor que a veces es mejor no decir mucho, pero todos sabemos que no podemos vivir sin amor. Eso es seguro.
También sabemos que hay muchos tipos de amor: el amor a los amigos, el amor a tu madre y a tu padre, el amor a los animales, el amor a las plantas, el amor a tus hermanos, el amor a la música... y la lista sería interminable.
Hoy me gustaría que escucharais este cuento que se titula ¿Qué es el amor?
Después de escucharlo cada uno de vosotros me vais a decir qué es el amor para vosotros y si no sabéis expresarlo con palabras podéis también expresarlo con colores y dibujos. ¡Espero recibir muchos! y seguro que son todos preciosos.
Bueno, aquí os dejo el cuento. Espero que os guste...
How are you today? I hope you are alright. I am fine and ready to begin working.
Today is Wednesday the 13th of May and as every Wednesday it's story time.
I chose a fairy tale that I love "The elves and the shoemaker"
In this story we are going to learn how being kind to people is always worthy. Kindness always pays off.
But let's stop talking and listen to the story while you read it at the same time. Later on you can write your reading report and feel free to make a picture if you feel like it.
In Natural Science we continue learning about machines.
Today we are going to learn about a machine that changed History: the STEAM ENGINE (la máquina de vapor) that was invented about 250 years ago.
Before this invention, most objects were made by hand but with the invention of the steam engine, objects could be made by machines. This invention was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution because factories (fábricas) began to be numerous and the artisans and workshops decreased in number.
The steam engine uses hot steam from boiling water to move a wheel in a chain. So this invention was also very important in transportation with ships and trains. A steam train or a steam boat could transport more people and more products faster than a stagecoach (diligencia o coche de caballos) or a sailing boat (barco de vela). This was the transport revolution. Here you have two pictures. The steamboat was used in my village in Galicia when I was a kid!!!
Here you have a short video in connection with this invention that I hope you enjoy
The next invention is the TELEGRAPH that started the communication revolution that continues to our days. The telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse in 1,836 and it was the beginning of electronic communication such as we do right now using smartphones or computers.
If you are interested in learning a bit more, here you have a video about this invention.
In your Natural Science book pages 102 - 103you have some information and more pictures. I'd like you to do exercise 4.
How are you today on this spring morning? I wish you are alright. I am fine a bit later than usual because I again had problems with my computer.
But now everything is alright and I can work with sound again. Yesterday afternoon I couldn't hear anything. The kids that were with me in the Zoom meeting know about it.
Wednesday is time for story telling. Today is Wednesday the 6th of May so this time I chose a traditional tale "Little Red Riding Hood".
I know you all know the story but I want you to read and listen at the same time to the story I am going to upload. Once you watch the video and read the story at the same time I want you to write the reading report. I leave in here a link to the one we are using in case it helps you to organize your writing.
Last time in Natural Science we were talking about machines and how they help us by making our work easier.
Today we are going to have a look at the invention of the printing press.
We already know that History begins with the use of a writing system but at the beginning the first writers used a tool similar to a knife to write on clay tablets. Not very easy, is it?
Later people began to use ink to write on papyrus (papiro in Spanish) made from a river plant or on parchment (pergamino in Spanish) made from animals skin. A bit easier. But imagine they had to write everything by hand. Most of the books were written by monks at monasteries and it took long time to write them.
But in the year 1,450 Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. This invention allowed to write many books in short time. And the same letters could be used many times to print different books. Later on the printing press was mechanised and we had a mass production of books. It was an information revolution!!!
We still read books, newspapers and magazines made by a printing press. But the revolution continued and nowadays we can read electronic books (e-books). This means that we can have a personal library in a small computer. Amazing, isn't it?
Here you have two short videos that tell us about the History of the book. Enjoy!!!
In your Natural Science book you can see more pictures at pages 98 - 99 and I'd like you to read the story at pages 100 - 101 and do exercise 2 at page 101.
Ya sé que el último video que os subí (Joy) os gustó muchísimo y me alegro.
Hoy os voy a poner otro vídeo que espero que también os guste tanto como el otro.
Podréis comprobar lo importante que es la amistad, la generosidad, el perdón... Todos esos valores que son los que en realidad hacen que nuestra vida sea muy valiosa. Y aprenderemos que la amistad no sabe de edades y que hay muchas formas de decir "Lo siento".
Al igual que la vez anterior, me gustaría que vierais el vídeo y me hicierais un dibujo contándome lo que más os ha llamado la atención de todo lo que estáis a punto de aprender con él.