jueves, 30 de abril de 2020


Hi kids!!!

Let's continue learning about History.

The next period after the Middle Ages is called The Early Modern Age or Renaissance (Renacimiento in Spanish).

It is called Renaissance because it was a time of coming out of the dark, the rebirth of education, science, art, literature and music. One of the greatest people was Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian painter, sculptor, scientist, inventor, architect, engineer and writer. In short words, a genius!!!

The Early Modern Age began in the year 1,492 (at the end of the 15th century) with the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus (Cristóbal Colón). At that time travelling the Silk Road was very dangerous and going to India and China around Africa was too long. So Christopher Columbus thought he could sail straight to India and China crossing the Atlantic ocean. But we all know that America is just in the middle.

Here you have a video to learn more about the discovery of America. 

At this time there were also many inventions like the printing press by Gutenberg. The use of the compass was extended to all explores and they also had better maps. Ships improved.

It was also a period of great writers and painters. This period in Spain is known as the Golden Age. We have great writers like Miguel de Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Quevedo and many others. There were also great artists like El Greco, Velázquez o Zurbarán.

In those years Spain had many explorers like Colón, Magallanes, Núñez de Balboa and it conquered many lands in America, Asia and Africa. Spain had a big empire.

In 1,789 there was a revolution in France (the French Revolution) that was a big change in society because the people (el pueblo) began to have more power. The French Revolution was the end of the Early Modern Age.

Here you have another video to learn more about this important revolution.

In your book you can read the information about the Early Modern Age at pages 90 and 91.

martes, 28 de abril de 2020


Hello kids!

Today is also time for Natural Science and we begin our last unit: Machines and Inventions.

We all know that there are machines all around us. We have machines at home, at school, in the street, even in your pencil case there are machines.

Let's learn about them!

Machines are here to make our lives easier because they are here to make our work easier.

There are two types of machines:

1. SIMPLE MACHINES that only have 1 or 2 parts and we call them tools. Examples: a knife to cut, a pencil sharpener, a pair of scissors or a screwdriver.

2. COMPLEX MACHINES have more than 2 parts and many times they are a combination of different machines. Examples: a bicycle, a washing machine, a hair drier or a computer.

All machines need energy to work

Some need our own energy, for example a pencilsharpener. Some others need fuel to move, for example a car. Other machines need electricity, for example a TV set. And finally some machines need the energy of the sun, the wind or the water to work. These are really cool because they don't pollute the air, for example a windmill. 

I'd like you to watch this video to see more examples and learn more. Hope you like it.

The next video is only about simple machines but it's a song and I know that some of you love singing so here you are.

In your Natural Science book I want you to read pages 96 and 97 and do exercise 3. It's really easy!!!

domingo, 26 de abril de 2020


Alia y sus hermanas Basma y Yasmin han hecho una pancarta preciosa para animar a todos los que están trabajando contra el Covid-19 y han compartido con nosotros este video.

¡Gracias Alia, Basma y Yasmin!

viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

Irati de 3ºA nos comparte dos de sus libros favoritos.

 Irati quiere compartirnos dos de sus libro favoritos.

Laila, nos recita estas poesías preciosas para tod@s, por el Día del Libro


De parte de Mari Ángeles, profe de música.Actividad de esta semana

Actividad de la clase de música de esta semana

Actividades de lengua y mates del viernes 24-04-2020

Buenas tardes queridas familias:
Espero que sigáis bien. Hoy es viernes y, parece ser ,que el domingo nuestr@s niñ@s podrán salir a dar un paseo, por fin.
Disfrutad del fin de semana y cuidaros mucho.

Carta de presentación viernes 24-04-2020
Documento adjunto de matemáticas viernes 24-04-2020
Taller de emociones.-Documento adjunto. Viernes 24-04-2020


Today is Friday and it's the last day of this Book Week.

In Zoom these last days you shared with me your favourite books and some of you sent me videos or pictures.

Here you have the links to four videos from Román and Miguel that I couldn't see but maybe you can see...





In here you have a picture Irati sent to me with her favourite collection of books: Tea's club to travel around the world

My last fairy tale for you this week is a sad story at the beginning but with a wonderful ending. 

I love reading this timeless story!!!

I hope you like it and learn from it!!!


Hola a tod@s!!!

Resulta que ayer no sólo se celebraba el Día del Libro sino que era el Día de las Niñas y Chicas en las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC). En inglés Girls in ICT Day.

Elena, la mamá de Irati me mandó el link a una página web donde hay actividades para todos los peques, niñas y niños por edades. Os la dejo aquí por si os apetece echarle un vistazo, además es en inglés.


¡Gracias Elena!


Today in Natural Science I just want to remind you that I am not going to give you the solutions to the last activities. I will answer to you individually because it's a kind of evaluation for me and you.

So please, send me the mindmap at page 92, exercise 1 and at pages 90 - 91 exercises 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6.

Next week we will begin the last unit about machines and inventions but that will be next week.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2020

Cuento compartido para este día tan especial , "Día del Libro". Bioli

Buenas tardes, queridas familias:
Felicidades por el día del libro. Hoy es un día especial, pues las actividades también.
Este es mi regalo para tod@s vosotr@s niñ@s y familias.
Disfrutad de este día  del libro y de San Jordi.
Un saludo y besotes para vuestr@s niñ@s.

Vídeo.- Cuento:"La raíz de Querúa"
Cuento: "La raíz de Querúa"( escaneado). Autora:Rosa Pardina e ilustraciones Bernat Serrat
Actividad final, después del cuento.


Queridas alumnas y alumnos:

Ayer vi una vez más un corto que me encanta y que hoy quiero compartir con vosotros.

En él podemos aprender muchos valores que nos harán dibujar una sonrisa en el rostro pero no quiero deciros qué valores aprenderemos. Quiero que los descubráis por vosotros mismos.

Lo que sí os voy a pedir es que me hagáis un dibujo y me contéis qué habéis aprendido, especialmente a mis alumnos de Valores que hasta ahora no os he pedido que me escribáis ninguna actividad porque ya sabemos que en la clase de Valores fundamentalmente leemos, debatimos y ponemos en común lo que la vida nos va enseñando.

¡Espero vuestros dibujos y mensajes!


Hello kids!!!

On Book's Day we also celebrate the saint George. Here in Spain it's specially celebrated in Cataluña where people give each other books and roses.

There is an old legend from Medieval Times that is very popular: The story of Saint George and the Dragon. So today we are going to watch and read this story.

I hope you like it!


Queridos todos:

En este día tan especial quiero empezar la mañana deseándoos que tengáis un maravilloso día.

Ya todos conocemos la Magia de la Lectura y con esta foto y una rosa os felicito este 23 de abril del 2020 que seguro todos recordaremos.

Pero ahora viene lo mejor. 

Todo el equipo de Escuelas Bosque hemos preparado una felicitación especial para vosotros en este día. ¡Disfrutadla!

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020


Good morning kids!!!

How are you today? It's a beautiful Wednesday morning on the 22nd of April.

The past two days we watched and read stories whose main characters were animals but today we are going to watch and read a story whose main character is a boy. A boy that gets into trouble for being lazy and for stealing but  in the end he learns the lesson.

I love this fairy tale so I hope you enjoy it too. Here you have:

martes, 21 de abril de 2020


As we are celebrating the Book Week, I'd like you to watch and read this story that teaches as the importance of work and how being lazy doesn't help when we have to work.

I hope you enjoy it and remember you can watch it and read it as many times as you like.

lunes, 20 de abril de 2020


Good afternoon kids!!!

How are you today? And how was your weekend? I hope you are all fine and you had a really good weekend.

Today I am a bit late but this morning we had a teacher meeting that lasted until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. But here I am again ready to continue with you and your English.

As I told you this morning this week we are going to watch and read classical fairy tales in English to celebrate the Book Week. So I'd like you to watch and read the story (remember to set the subtitles in English so that you can read)

At the end of the week I'd like you to choose the story you like the most and write to me what the story is about and do a picture. But if you want to write about more than one story, you are welcome.

I also like you to review the past tense of the verbs so please do page 75 from your Activity Book, ok?

And here it's the story. I hope you enjoy it!!!

domingo, 19 de abril de 2020


¡¡¡Hola familias!!!

Aquí os dejo el enlace para el vídeo que ha realizado Mariangeles con vuestros instrumentos musicales. 

¡Está chulísimo!

Sois todos unos artistazos y la profe Mariangels más. Espero que lo disfrutéis.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2020


Good morning kids!!!

How are you today? I hope you are all fine and happy because it's Friday the 17th and you have two days ahead to rest and play with your family.

By the way, are you following the Mindfulness calendar of April? Because you have a lot of different activities and exercises to do these days that might help you.

Today we are going to continue learning about Prehistoric times in our Student's Book. I'd like you to do page 75. Exercise 1 it's a listening that you can find in your digital book  and exercise 2 and exercise 3 are for you to practise with regular and irregular past tense. So please write them down and send a picture to me once I give you the solutions and you check them, ok?

I found a video about dinosaurs that I think you are going to enjoy so here you have to watch and learn more.

jueves, 16 de abril de 2020


Are you ready to continue learning History? I know you are and I am happy to know you are enjoying so much this part of Social Science.

The Middle Ages or Medieval Times was a long period of History. From the year 500 AD to the year 1,500 AD that's 1,000 years!!! This period covers from the fall of the Roman Empire to the rise of the Ottoman Empire but some historians say that it's until the discovery of America in the year 1,492. We are not going to argue for 8 years, are we?

In any case this was a time of castles and peasants, guilds and monasteries, cathedrals and crusades. Great leaders such as Joan of Arc and Charlemagne were part of the Middle Ages as well as major events such as the Black Plague or the rise of  Islam.

After the fall of the Roman Empire in Europe there was no central government recording the events that it's why part of this period is also called the Dark Ages. A lot of the Roman culture and knowledge was lost like art, technology, engineering, science...

Among the people I like to point out for you is Marco Polo. He was a merchant and explorer that travelled to the Far East and China. He established the Silk Road that was the route followed to go from Europe to China. It was called the Silk Road because silk was mainly brought from China.

Here you have a video where you can watch most of what I have just told you. I hope you enjoy.

In your book pages 86 - 87 the Middle Ages is more centred in Spain. During this period Muslims came to the Iberian Peninsula and they conquered the south and called it al-Andalus. In the north there were Christians kingdoms.

In al-Andalus there were Christians and Muslims. People built many mosques and palaces like the mosque of Córdoba or the Alhambra in Granada. There were a lot of artisans and merchants but also many scientists like doctors, astronomers or mathematicians. 

In the Christian kingdoms, the kings and nobles lived in castles. They had soldiers and servants. Most poor people were peasants that cultivated the land and lived around the castle. The church was very important. They built many churches and cathedrals. There were many priests and monks that lived in monasteries. Pilgrimages were very popular in this period. The best well-known here is the Camino de Santiago to visit st James's tomb.

I am going to upload another video of the Middle Ages that may help you to understand this period.

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020


Good morning everybody!!!

How are you in this rainy new day? I am fine and happy to be with you once more.

Today it's Wednesday the 15th of April and we begin a new unit: Unit 6 Prehistoric times.

We already learnt about Prehistory but in this unit we are going to learn about real and imaginary prehistoric animals. 

So please I'd like you to read and listen to the comic at page 74 in the Student's Book and do the exercises in the Activity Book page 74. Remember that if you have problems with the digital book you can also listen to the story using the CD that comes with your Activity Book.

In this unit we are going to learn Irregular Past Tense Verbs (the ones that change because they do NOT use the ending -ed to form the past) 

I am sure you all remember the cards we used at school to learn them, don't you? So in the following link you have those same verbs. If you can print the paper you can play memory game with the cards (you have to match present and past), you can also colour the cards. I'm afraid you have to learn these verbs by heart... there is no other way.

Here you have the link


To finish our lesson today I chose some videos for you to learn these irregular verbs. I hope you like them and please watch them as many times as you like.

The next video is a song for you to sing and learn!!!

martes, 14 de abril de 2020


Hi kids!!!

In Natural Science we are learning many things about Matter but today we are going to review what we do with the things we don't want and throw away.

We call WASTE to all those things we don't want and throw away: our rubbish. For example: an orange peel, a piece of paper, a used napkin or an old toy.

Last year we learnt many things about these in our school. Do you remember "Somos Naturaleza y dejamos huella"? So this is going to be very easy to you but it's important that we review.

It's inevitable to produce waste and there are many different types of waste but we are going to focus on four types of waste:

1. Organic waste that comes from plants and animals. Examples: a fish bone, a potatoe peel, leaves that fell from trees, etc. This waste is BIODEGRADABLE this means that some living things decompose them. 

2. Recyclable waste is that waste that can be used to make new objects. Examples: newspapers and magazines, cans, glass, etc

3. Non-recyclable waste is that waste that can't be used away. Examples: nappies from babies, batteries, plastic, etc. This waste is more dangerous because sometimes it pollutes the land and water.

4. E-waste is that waste that comes from electronic devices. Examples: an old mobile phone, computers, television sets, etc. This waste is also dangerous because some objects contain toxic substances and we have to take this waste to special places. 

What is really important is the three R's:

REDUCE (don't use too much)
REUSE (use them more than once) 
RECYCLE (use the appropriate container)

Now I'd like you to read in your book pages 88 - 89 and do exercise 3.

Here I leave you two songs about this that I hope you like them. Please, listen to them


Kids, I want to share with you a very good news.

Our friend Mateo wrote his experience about these days at home and we can read his writing on the newspaper El Pais

I think his writing was excellent and I already told him he may become a journalist. 

I hope you like it as much as I do.

In this link you can read his article.

Congratulations Mateo once more!!!

I am really proud of you and your work. Thank you for your effort these days.

jueves, 2 de abril de 2020


Aquí os dejo la foto de la reunión de hoy.

Esta vez hemos contado con la visita de Maribel. ¡Gracias profe!

Hemos podido felicitar a Lena por su cumple y le hemos cantado en inglés y en español como siempre hacemos en el cole.


Hola queridas niñas y niños:

Ayer nos volvimos a ver todos en Zoom. Como siempre fue estupendo vernos y charlar un poco sobre nuestras cosas. Además ayer contamos con la asistencia de Bioli que tanto estábamos esperando.

Recordad que tenemos reservado el espacio en Zoom durante toda la semana a las 17h, es la misma dirección que os puse en el blog. 

No faltéis. Hoy volveremos a cantar Cumpleaños Feliz a una de nuestras compañeras.

Aquí os dejo un par de fotos de ayer para que os sigáis animando a venir.


Today we are going to finish Ancient History learning a lot of facts about the last great civilization of this period of History: ANCIENT ROME

Ancient Rome was a powerful and important civilization that ruled most of today's Europe and part of Africa for nearly 1,000 years.

Rome's culture still has an impact on us today. Let's see some facts!

The Romans came to the Iberian Peninsula and called it Hispania, now España.

Their language was Latin and many languages come from Latin: Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian and Romanian.

They were excellent architects. They built the Colosseum that we still can see in Rome or the Circus Maximus that was a huge stadium for 150,000 people. 
They built aqueducts to carry water to cities. Here in Spain we still have the Acueducto de Segovia, that you can visit in Segovia.
They also built many roads that we still use. Most of the main roads in Spain were the roads the Romans used and here in Madrid we can walk on the Calzada Romana de Cercedilla.

They were also excellent sculptors and artists.

They also wrote many books. Here in Spain lawyers still use the Código Romano.

They believed in many gods and goddesses like the Greeks. Their gods and goddesses  were almost the same but with different names: Zeus was Jupiter, Poseidon was Neptune, Aphrodite was Venus , etc, etc.

As you can imagine we could learn thousands of things about the Romans but for now it's enough. We are now going to watch two videos about their culture. Ready? Here you have.

In the next video you are going to see and learn a lot with real pictures. I hope you enjoy it.

miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020


Queridas familias,

Comparto con vosotros un calendario del mes de abril con pequeños ejercicios para trabajar cada día la Atención, la Educación Emocional, Yoga, Mindfulness desde la creatividad y un montón de cosas más.

Si tenéis la posibilidad, lo podéis imprimir para tenerlo siempre a mano.

Espero que sea de vuestro agrado y que os ayude en estos días.

Con cariño,




Ayer volvimos a reunirnos y charlar en Zoom.

Tuvimos una invitada especial: Maribel, que compartió con todos nosotros un rato de intercambio de experiencias, risas e ideas. Incluso aprendimos todos a cambiar el fondo de la pantalla. 

Una vez más fue un encuentro muy entrañable. Recordad que durante toda esta semana nos podemos ver a las 5 de la tarde en Zoom. La dirección e ID son las mismas que ya pusimos en el blog con anterioridad.

Esperamos que pronto nuestra querida Bioli solucione sus problemas técnicos y pueda unirse a la reunión.

Aquí os dejo la foto del encuentro de ayer. 

¡Hasta la tarde!


Good morning kids!!!

How are you today? I am fine beginning this new month of April.

Today we are going to learn a lot about Easter with some videos I have chosen for you. You are going to have many different activities that you can do all along the Easter holidays.

In this first video we are going to learn about the celebration of Easter all over the world, its origin and many more facts. As we are learning a lot of History and Geography this year, I thought it was a good idea for you to watch. Ready? Here we go.

The second video it's cartoons. You love cartoons and so do I. So here you have almost half an hour with Peter Rabbit and its Special Easter Bunnies Cartoons. Enjoy!

In Easter we usually do some crafts, so in the third video we are going to make a beautiful and simple 3D Easter Egg Card. Creativity to work!!!

And last but not least, we are going to sing and dance so important for our body and our mood. Some of you sent me videos of  themselves singing and dancing so if you feel like it, you are welcome.

Any activity that you feel like doing (picture, writing, card, video...) is welcome. I hope you enjoy Easter at home with all your familiy.

Happy Easter!!!