martes, 31 de marzo de 2020


As evaporation is one of the changes in the water cycle, I think it's good that you watch these videos to remember it.


The next one is a song that I love.

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020


Hola a todos,

Hemos tenido el primer encuentro Zoom y me he alegrado un montón de veros a todos tan contentos y charlatanes como de costumbre... 

A ver si organizamos otro y nos vemos pronto.

Aquí os dejo unas fotos para que tengáis un recuerdo.

Os quiero un montón!!!


Good morning kids!!!

We begin a new week full of energy. All the English teachers in Escuelas Bosque have this message for you because we love you

Did you have a good weekend? What did you do? You can write to me about your weekend if you feel like it. I'll be pleased to hear from you.

My weekend was good. On Saturday I joined a course online and it was great because I could see many friends I had not seen from a long time. On Sunday I was doing my house chores and in the afternoon I read for a while, I talked to friends and family and I watched two films. It was a bit weird with the change of time because when we applauded for all the heroes that are helping us, we could see all the neighbours and that was great.

I am looking forward to being with you this afternoon at 5 o'clock through Zoom!!! 

This is the link that Elena sent me.

ID de reunión: 342 059 634
Contraseña: 077924

Until then we will continue with our programme. The next thing we are going to do is in your Student's Book page 71. I'd like you to write on a piece of paper exercise 4 and 6 and practise orally exercise 5. 

See you this afternoon!!!

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2020


Hello kids!!!

As today we don't have written activities to check I thought about watching a video that it's in connection with History.

I hope you enjoy it while you practise listening and reading.

Have a good weekend and remember if you feel like it you can write to me about what you did.

Take care all of you!!! I miss you but it's one day less to see each other again.

Bye, bye!!!

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020


No debemos olvidarnos de que este curso estamos dedicando más tiempo a la Educación Emocional. 

A lo largo del curso hemos ido viendo pequeños vídeos relacionados con distintas emociones.

Hoy quiero compartir con vosotr@s, queridas familias, un vídeo precioso sobre la Amistad y la Amabilidad entre tod@s nosotr@s. Algo que trabajamos a diario en el cole y que hoy más que nunca es tan necesario.

¡Espero que lo disfrutéis!


Hello kids!

How are you today? I am feeling fine. I still miss you a lot but it's one day less to see each other again. Fantastic!!! 

I know you are keeping in touch through Skype and WhatsApp. That's great. Later on, I'll try to organise a meeting with you but not just now, ok?

Yesterday, we learnt that in Ancient Age there were three great civilizations: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

Today we are going to learn about Ancient Greece. They were an important civilization between the years 800 BC and the year 146 BC. That's nearly 700 years!!!

Ancient Greeks dominated the Mediterranean Sea and today we still have many important things from them. For example: Democracy, Philosophy, Theatre, Mathematics, Science, Architecture and sports: they invented the Olympic Games!!! They had many gods and goddess like Zeus, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis, and a long etcetera.

They also invented the second oldest toy. Do you know what that was? The yo-yo, yes, the yo-yo was invented by Ancient Greeks and we still play with it!

But do you know what the oldest toy is? The doll, yes the doll and it was invented in Prehistory.

Now I'd like you to watch this short video about this amazing civilization and read in your book page 84, only page 84! 

Enjoy the video!

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020


Are you ready to continue learning History? I know you are.

We all know that History began when we, humans, began to use a writing system. The use of a writing system put an end to Prehistory. This is a very important fact.

The first ones to have a writing system were the Egyptians but unfortunately in your book they don't  talk about them. In my opinion, that's a big mistake so I want you to learn a little bit about this fascinating civilization.

Today we are only going to learn that Ancient History also called Ancient Age is the first period of History and it includes three great civilizations

First, Ancient Egypt

Second, Ancient Greece

Third, Ancient Rome

You are now going to watch two videos. The first one is very short but it explains what the Ancient Age is. In the second video you are going to learn a little bit about Ancient Egypt. Let's go!


Good morning, kids!

How are you today in this sunny Spring morning? I wish you are alright. 

I am happy to be with you again. This time we are going to watch and read this fairy tale: The Three Billy Goats Gruff. You can activate the subtitles but please, first watch it with no subtitles and then watch it once more with the subtitles

I hope you like it as much as I do. I am uploading two versions so you can practise and see the differences between them.

Once we have watched the videos, you can write very briefly what the story is about and draw a picture of that part of the story you like most.

martes, 24 de marzo de 2020


Hello dear children!!!

How are you today? I hope you are alright. Today is Tuesday the 24th of March and all of you are doing it great.

I am really happy with you for many things, so let's continue staying at home, we will come back stronger.

Today it's time for Natural Science. We already know matter and the states of matter and now we are going to learn to classify matter. 

I have been looking for videos that can help you to understand but there are not many for your age. I found only two that you can understand. 

The next one you may find it more difficult but at least it's not too long. The problem is that the girl speaks really quickly.

Now I'd like you to read page 84 and do exercise 3 at page 85, but please DO NOT READ PAGE 85 YET. We will learn that lesson later. Next, you can read the ideas you have in your book and that I wrote for you.

In short, we can classify matter into two big groups:

Ø PURE SUBSTANCES that only have one component. Examples: water, metals like gold, silver, aluminium, salt, sugar, wood…

Ø MIXTURES that are formed when we put two or more substances together.
Examples: chocolate milk, lemonade, a cake, bread, soup, salad…

There are two types of mixtures:

Ø Heterogeneous mixtures: those mixtures where you can see the substances with our own eyes. For example a salad, the sand from the beach, pizza…

Homogeneous mixtures: those mixtures where you can’t see the substances separately because the mixture looks the same. For example banana ice-cream, bread, soup…

I will write to you later. Bye, bye!!!

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020


Good morning kids!!!

How are you today? And how was your weekend?

I had a relaxing weekend because I needed to calm down a little bit. I read a lot, I did some physical exercise, and I practised meditation. Now I am feeling better and I'm ready for a new week. Are you ready for the new week?

Let's go. To review this unit we are going to learn a little bit about Native Americans. I love their culture! So I think it's a good idea for you to watch this video about them.

I hope you like it. You can watch it as many times as you want.

 Now I'd like you to do in your Student's Book page 70. I suppose you have access to the audio in your digital book but if you can't listen to the audio you can do it anyway but remember it's oral exercises you don't need to write them down in your notebook. Just practise some oral English with someone at home but if you can't speak English with anyone, don't worry, we'll practise when we go back to school.

Have a good day children and be happy!

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020


Good morning kids!!!

How are you today? I am fine and working hard for you.

Today is Wednesday the 18th and we are going to sing, dance and watch two stories about St. Patrick because yesterday was St. Patrick's Day and you all know that we always celebrate it at school. 

After singing, dancing and watching the stories you can draw something about St. Patrick if you feel like it.

I hope you like these videos!!!

Those videos above are the songs you can sing and dance.

Next videos below are about St Patrick's history and facts.

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020


Hello kids!!!

Here I am again. This time we are going to work a little bit in Natural Science. 

Now that we know that matter is everything around us that has volume and mass, we are going to study water a little bit more. Apart from its importance to life, water can be in the three states: solid, liquid and gas. And when it changes from one state to another due to temperature the process has different names: melting, freezing, evaporation and condensation...

In this occassion, I'd like you to watch this video and do an experiment.

First, watch this video where you can also remember the Water Cycle.

Did you like it? I hope so. Now let's see the experiment:

First, put two ice cubes on a plate and place on a radiator or a sunny place. Look at the time and write down on your notebook what you did and the time you began.

Second, wait for the ice cubes to change the state. Write down how long it took the ice cubes to become liquid and write the name of this change of state.

Third, add some salt to the water in the plate, stir it a bit and place it again on the radiator or the sunny place. Write down the time

Fourth, write down what you observe next, it may take some time. Now, answer to these questions: 
a) What happened to the water in the plate?
b) Was there anything left in the plate? What was it?
c) How do we call this change of state? 
d) Where is the water now?

You can use drawings or take pictures of your experiment and include them in your notebook.


Queridas alumnas y alumnos:

Bioli y yo os echamos mucho de menos y nos acordamos de vosotros continuamente. Esperamos que todos vosotros os encontréis bien y en calma.

Sabemos que no es fácil estar tanto tiempo sin salir a la calle así que es importante que recordéis todo lo que en el colegio estamos practicando para sentirnos en calma y felices.

Nos gustaría que todos los días pusieráis en práctica algún ejercicio de Yoga y/o Mindfulness. A estas alturas ya sabemos unos cuantos.

Todos podemos reconocer nuestra Ancla de la Respiración y desde allí podemos observar lo que pasa en nuestro cuerpo y nuestra mente. Sería bueno que todos los días prestáramos atención a nuestra Ancla durante algunos minutos, 3 - 5 minutos es suficiente.

Aquí os dejo un vídeo que a mi me gusta especialmente porque son las experiencias de otros niños y niñas como vosotros que lo practican. Espero que os guste y os anime a seguir practicando. Podéis practicarlo con alguien más de la familia... Es bueno para todos, nos ayuda y tenemos algo más en común que compartir.

También podemos hacer el recorrido corporal, empezando por los pies y hasta la cabeza para ir reconociendo las sensaciones en el cuerpo. Ya sabéis que es un ejercicio que siempre os he recomendado para cuando nos vamos a la cama, pero esta semana os invito a que lo pongáis en práctica en cualquier otro momento del día además de por la noche.

Por último os dejo también un dibujo con posturas de Yoga para que practiquéis alguna (están en el link de abajo). Ya sabéis sin forzar, escuchando a nuestro cuerpo y respirando en la postura unos minutos. Son todas buenas para estirar el cuerpo ahora bien si necesitamos movernos podemos prestar atención al movimiento rápido y lento, como un astronauta.

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020


Hello again dear pupils!!!

Yesterday I told you to do some exercises. Today, that is Friday the 13th, we are not going to work with the book. 

We are going to learn this song and have fun. It's easy and we can practise the Simple Past once more.

I'd like you to write to me an e-mail about what you did at the weekend but for that you will have to wait until the weekend is over. 

Happy weekend to all of you!!! 

I love you 


Hello kids!!!

Now it's when we begin to get fun in learning History. 

First, it was learning a little bit about time, but now we are going to learn about our ancestors, the first human beings, the first Homo Sapiens...

I'd like you to watch this video first and then you can read in your books pages 82 - 83 and do exercises 4, 5 and 7.

You can watch this video as many times as you want and activate the subtitles for  you to read!!!

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2020


Hello kids!!!

Once again I am with you but this time it's time for Natural Science. In this Unit we are going to learn about MATTER and matter is everything around us... everything!!!
I have seen that some of you already did pages 78 - 79... Great!!! Now I want you to watch these videos that will help you to understand. Ready? There we go...

As you can see they also talk about the three states of matter that is what we are going to learn next. In your book you are now going to read pages 80 - 81 and do the exercises 3, 4, 5 and 6 if you have access to the digital book. If not, don't worry because we'll do it at school when we come back.
In here I let you another video that I love. I hope you also enjoy it


Hello kids again!!!

For you to continue practising the Past Tense watch this video and if you can you can tell someone about what you did yesterday.

I hope you enjoy